Shiviti is graphic art
that inspires us
to acknowledge the world
as an expression
of divine Oneness.¹

About Shiviti

The Hebrew word shiviti (she-VEE-tee) is often translated as “I set” or “I place.” It reminds us to acknowledge the presence of divinity, including our own divine true nature. First created in the 18th century, shivitis (shivitim), are inspired by the words of King David:

I set the Eternal before me always.²

— Psalm 16:8

Famous rabbis Martin Buber and Abraham Joshua Heschel both taught that every person is also a shiviti who stands before us as a reminder of God’s presence.³ This is because each person is created b’tzelem Elohim—in the image of God.⁴

The Baal Shem Tov translates
shiviti as "I balance,"
meaning that we should review
each and every thing that we think, say and do
and balance it in light of HaShem [G-d].⁵

— Rabbi Ariel bar Sodok

Rabbi Ted Falcon explores this further when he writes, “…. Although the Hebrew word shiviti is usually translated as ‘I set,’ the Baal Shem Tov taught that it could also be a form of a word that signifies ‘equanimity.’ He suggested a deeper meaning of the verse: that when we have equanimity, the Eternal is [consciously] present in our consciousness. He explained that equanimity is achieved when we receive criticism with the same energy with which we receive applause.”⁶

The Expressions of Joy® shiviti collection is presently inspired by the Jewish, Christian, and Vedic traditions. Allow them to enliven your natural ability to settle back to pure awareness—our divine source of thought, speech, and action.


[1] 10.03.2021

[2] Ted Falcon, Mantras with Rabbi Ted Falcon, Salt House, Aug. 9, 2020 10.18.2021

[3] E. Alan Morinis, Everyday Holiness: The Jewish Spiritual Path of Mussar, (Trumpeter, 2007), p. 242 01.23.2022 01.23.2022

[4] Genesis 1:27 JPS

[5] Ariel bar Sodok, Parashat Kedoshim, 03.04.2001

[6] Ted Falcon, The Shiviti Spiritual Practice, 02.28.2022